
asking your G.P. about menopause
How to talk to your doctor about peri-menopause 1024 948 OptiMum Health

How to talk to your doctor about peri-menopause

If you’re wondering whether to make a menopause appointment with your doctor  this blog is just for you – looking at what to do to make it smooth, easy and…

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5 reasons to do Pilates for women over 40
5 reasons why women over 40 should do Pilates 1024 1024 OptiMum Health

5 reasons why women over 40 should do Pilates

Midlife has hit with a bang, your wobbly bits can move all by themselves, and your brain is muddier than a puddle in November.  But Pilates really help you through…

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Have a Merry Peri-Menopausal Christmas 150 150 OptiMum Health

Have a Merry Peri-Menopausal Christmas

How to enjoy the festive season and feel merry, even when peri-menopausal Ah the festive season – while it can be filled with joy, twinkling lights and fun, for many…

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