
Balance time
Balance it out (25 minutes) 1024 778 OptiMum Health

Balance it out (25 minutes)

Balance is a key part of everyday life but also essential for bone health and many other aspects of our wellbeing. It’s not something we tend to challenge on a…

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stepping it up a notch
Intermediate challenge [18 minutes] 1002 730 OptiMum Health

Intermediate challenge [18 minutes]

A slightly different approach in this session Working in a pyramid style, we take one set of moves and repeat it, progressing the moves each time That said, you can…

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matwork Pilates
Floor based session [25 minutes] 1024 599 OptiMum Health

Floor based session [25 minutes]

Opening the chest and working the hips and buttocks in this core focussed flow  

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Intermediate flow [17 minutes] 150 150 OptiMum Health

Intermediate flow [17 minutes]

Following on from the Beginner’s Pilates Flow, this video takes the same basic moves and applies progressions to increase the difficulty and intensity of each exercise and the overall flow.…

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beginners' flow
Simple flow for beginners [17 minutes] 1024 613 OptiMum Health

Simple flow for beginners [17 minutes]

Pilates can be a great way to build strength, core stability, flexibility and relieve stress. This simple flow of movements is suitable for all levels, allowing you to work along…

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shoulder rainbows
Paint a Rainbow – shoulder stability, mobility, strength & rotation [32 minutes] 1024 725 OptiMum Health

Paint a Rainbow – shoulder stability, mobility, strength & rotation [32 minutes]

Working on shoulder stability, mobility, strength and also rotation through the mid-back (thoracic region) this flow literally takes you through painting a rainbow.  

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hip burners foundation
Side lying hip exercises 1024 545 OptiMum Health

Side lying hip exercises

Using a stable position lying on your side to work the outer hip and buttock muscles, engaging your whole torso in the process  

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workout at your desk
(E) Desk Based Challenge [Movement Bites] 1024 962 OptiMum Health

(E) Desk Based Challenge [Movement Bites]

Grab hold of sometime sturdy for this one! You can do this movement flow with your hands on a wall, a window sill or a sturdy piece of furniture. If…

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(D) Sliders [Movement Bites] 1024 857 OptiMum Health

(D) Sliders [Movement Bites]

Is it possible to move more and clean your floor at the same time?!  Kind of 😆 I’m not advocating multi-tasking in this way at all here. In fact I…

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on your toes
(C) On your toes [Movement Bites] 1024 778 OptiMum Health

(C) On your toes [Movement Bites]

Let’s get those hips, knees, ankle and TOES. As always listen to your body and be mindful of movements are right for you.  

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